Feeding Training
On Track MN Feeding Coaches work directly with children who struggle with meal time skills.
Feeding Coaches will analysis the child's feeding deficits to determine the best course of treatment and then make a treatment plan that uses specific strategies to target each deficit area.
Signs and Symptoms that your child needs help with Feeding:
Refusal to eat certain foods or textures
Difficultly with chewing or swallowing
Gags when looks, touches, tastes or smells certain foods
Coughs after eating
Gags or chokes during eating
Vomits during or after eating
Unable to move mouth in an effective manner when eating
Exhibits problem behaviors during meals or when transitioning to a meal time
Shows preferences for certain foods and refuses to eat if those foods are not available
Is unwilling to try new foods
Gets upset when new foods are presented or placed on their plate
Is known to be a "picky eater"
Limited amounts or types of foods that they consume
Meal times are more than 30 minutes for infant and more than 30-40 minutes for toddler
Feeding Training may be needed if....
You want to increase the variety of foods your child consumes
Reduce meal time stress
Improve your child's oral motor skills
What will my Feeding Coach work on during Feeding Training?
Oral Motor Skills
Reducing Problem Behavior associated with meal times