Family and Child Services
Parents want the best for their children, but often need help in a variety of areas. We work side by side with parents by providing guidance and training in some of the most challenging areas.
Whether its assistance with potty training, feeding issues, or basic behavioral concepts, On Track MN offers a variety of services, so please browse the options below and let us know how to help.

We can help lighten the load of toilet training.
Potty training can be stressful for parents. Our Potty Coaches provide support and guidance by using our highly effective training technique to get and stay on track with potty training.

Take a Bite!
Getting a child to eat can be a struggle.
We will teach you ways to work towards whole meals.

Motivated to Learn
Learning can be difficult for some children.
We develop individualized plans that teach skills using highly effective teaching procedures and the child's motivation.

Accepting No, Waiting, Transitions Oh My...
Children have a lot to learn and
Parents need strategies to help them learn.